Vermont Marketplace is located in the lobby of Bristol Suites and is also accessed from Main Street.
Regular Hours (May 1 to December 31):
Monday – Saturday: 10 to 5:30
Sunday: 10 to 3:00
Winter Hours (Jan. 1 to April 30):
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 11 to 5:00
Closed Sunday and Wednesday
We carry Vermont-made and Vermont-inspired products, such as:
- Maple syrup and maple products – candy, popcorn, pops, sauces, condiments, and flavor-infused syrups
- Jewelry, cutting boards, ornaments, toys, books, socks, key chains
- Snacks, jams, salsa, crackers, cookies, chocolate, sweet and savory mixes, teas & coffees
- Health and beauty products including arnica products, soaps, Bag Balm, creams, lotions, scrubs, lip balm, shower steamers, and tick/bug repellent
- Bristol and Vermont-themed t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, beanies, baseball caps, toddlers t-shirts, and onesies
And so much more!